
Our mission

For more than 2 decades P&G has leveraged Open Innovation to sustain business growth and increase the rate of successful innovations. From its conception, Connect + Develop was designed to adapt to an ever-changing innovation landscape and to lead new ways of innovating in an “Open” framework. Our mission, to Anticipate, Activate, Amplify, and Accelerate Innovation through External Partnerships, best captures this mindset.

C+D partnerships span across all functions including academia, research labs, start-ups, corporate & industrial partners, and innovation consultants. As a part of the Corporate organization, C+D activities in Singapore focus on opportunities at the intersection of the key research areas of the SgIC and global challenges.

Chief R&D and Innovation Officer Victor Aguilar visits the Advanced Remanufacturing and Technology Center (ARTC)

C+D & A*STAR partnership

The C+D program at the SgIC thrives from its close collaboration with an extensive network of partners in Singapore and the region to drive the next generation of consumer products and solutions.

The P&G SgIC works closely with Singapore’s Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) and has signed a multi-year Master Research Collaboration Agreement. This partnership includes the major Universities and Polytechnics in Singapore.

This agreement promotes collaborative research, knowledge sharing and talent development between the SgIC and the research community in Singapore. The agreement is one of P&G’s largest public-sector research collaborations.

Chief R&D and Innovation Officer Victor Aguilar on his visit to the Singapore Centre for Environmental Life Sciences Engineering (SCELSE)  & A*STAR Chief Executive Mr. Frederick Chew visits the P&G Singapore Innovation Center, home of #theFutureMakers

Research Publications

While inspiring and driving innovation, our research collaborations have also led to a growing list of academic publications, many in top-tier scientific journals across multiple disciplines.

Here are just a few of the publications that have been released in recent years.

People standing in the office